Goan Institute / Mix


Dear Folks

This page will host some of the Social activities held at our Goan Institute Zanzibar.

Without a doubt, we enjoyed unlimited social functions with a few Dance Bands providing live music.

We also had many good ballroom dancers and amongst one I cannot fail to mention is Francis Miranda now living in Australia. I called him Rudolf Valentino and below you cannot miss that tall handsome guy dancing with all the lovely ladies from the Island.

Many more photographs to follow which will include some of the sporting events.

There is also another SPORTS PAGE on this website to view.

Anyone who have photographs which you are happy to share, please do send them to me and I will add to Zanzibar Benito's Dream website. 

Many thanks - Benny

Above photograph - Sir George Mooring British Resident shaking hand with TONY DE LORD
ZANZIBAR 11 Hockey team vs PAKISTAN
Gajendra Hockey Captain


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